Discover Carmarthenshire
Here in Carmarthenshire we are lucky to have a vibrant and diverse range of independent eateries.

If you’re looking for somewhere to dine out, a place for a coffee or somewhere to shop, the 100% Sir Gâr website offers a list of local restaurants, cafes and shops. For more information, please visit the 100% Sir Gâr website.
Larder Trails
100% Sir Gâr recently enlisted the help of three food writers to craft three different larder trails. You can find out more by visiting the Discover Carmarthenshire website.
Carmarthenshire’s Cawl Crawl
Discover Carmarthenshire has also launched a ‘Cawl Crawl’ to help locals and visitors alike to discover the best cawl on offer in Carmarthenshire. You can find out more here.