What do you really think about food?
From health and wellbeing, communities, economy, natural environment and climate the way we produce, distribute and consume food has a huge impact on everything around us.
Join us for an informal morning of discussion about the challenges and opportunities we face around food and to explore solutions. We want to hear YOUR VIEWS.
Beth yw eich barn am fwyd?
O iechyd a lles, cymunedau, yr economi, amgylchedd naturiol a hinsawdd mae’r ffordd ry’n ni’n cynhyrchu, dosbarthu a bwyta bwyd yn cael effaith fawr ar y byd.
Ymunwch â ni am fore anffurfiol i sgwrsio am yr heriau a chyfleon ry’n ni’n eu gwynebu o gwmpas bwyd ac i archwilio atebion. Ry’n ni eisiau clywed EICH BARN CHI.